As students reach high school, they are now thinking about their own lives and
beginning to crystalize their desired educational futures. In addition, they are looking
not only at their own lives, but how the whole world works and where they fit within

By helping students hone their reasoning skills while presenting them with the robust Ontario curriculum, we help them feel a sense of success and positivity about
themselves and for their futures unfolding before them.

Our high school program in Thunder Bay tailors curriculum along specific career paths that play to the strengths individual students begin to develop – whether that be in the sciences,
math, business or liberal arts. Students’ awareness of the world, their families and the
goals they are shaping all contribute to their path towards success and fulfillment in
high school and beyond.

Elite Academy of Excellence also helps them prepare for their lives beyond high
school. We have years of experience guiding students through the diverse range of
post-secondary choices and assisting with applications for university, college or trades.